
Thursday, October 13, 2022

360. Murder Must Advertise

Murder Must Advertise
Dorothy Sayers
Around 360 pages

I feel like the List looks down at mystery novels, so we don't see them very often. But at the heart of every great novel is a mystery, so I don't have any such snobberies (I have plenty of others though). It takes a real craftswoman to put together a story as intricately designed as this one. 

This is actually the eighth entry in the Lord Peter Wimsey series, which might send the purists into a tailspin, where they have to read the first seven novels before tackling this one. Good thing I'm so normal and non obsessive. But the only thing you need to know is that Lord Peter Wimsey is a rich English gentleman, who solves mysteries for his own amusement. Pym's Publicity Ltd has recently been rocked by a mysterious death. Junior copywriter Victor Dean fell down the office's iron spiral staircase, making no attempt to save himself on the fall down. His replacement, Death Bredon, finds a half-finished letter in Dean's desk to his boss, saying something "undesirable" has been going on in the office. Hmmmmmmmm.

Why are the plot of Sayers' novels so much easier to follow than the adventures of Sam Spade? I think there is more talent there. We are back to the Holmes-style detective, and honestly, I can't get enough of these stories. It's fun to guess the culprit and see how all of the subtly planted clues pay off in the ending. Highly recommended.

RATING: *****

Interesting Facts:

Sayers worked as an advertising copywriter until 1931.

Sayers hated the book. Girl, you are too hard on yourself!

UP NEXT: Miss Lonely Hearts by Nathanael West

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