
Friday, December 8, 2023

688. Song of Solomon

Song of Solomon
Toni Morrison
Around 340 pages

I go back and forth with Toni Morrison. Often she is brilliant, but we do reach a threshold on misery at a certain point when it almost seems like satire. This novel is closer to the latter category, and once again makes breast milk disturbing.

Our main character, Macon Dead III, earns the nickname Milkman, because he is still breastfeeding into an uncomfortable age. His aunt Pilate is a big figure in his life, along with his cousin Hagar, who he forms a sexual relationship with. Pilate and Macon find bags of gold in a cave, but don't take them due to fear. Still, Macon is motivated by the desire to obtain the gold he missed out on.

Okay, that wasn't the best summary, but Morrison's novels are always so action-packed with weird events that it's hard to give a spoiler-free overview. This definitely falls in the middle for me, with Bluest Eye and Beloved standing out much more than this novel. Pilate is a highly memorable character, and this novel is packed with metaphors to write essays about in English class.  

So I don't think she tanked her third entry on the List, but I don't think she did anything particularly new here either.

RATING: ***--

Interesting Facts:

The novel has faced several challenges and bans in schools throughout the U.S. since 1993.

In 2010, the novel was challenged and later reinstated at Franklin Central High School in Indianapolis, Indiana.

UP NEXT: Petals of Blood by Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o

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