
Wednesday, May 22, 2024

850. The English Patient

The English Patient
Michael Ondaatje
Around 320 pages

Does anybody else remember the Seinfeld episode where Elaine hated The English Patient? That's not an entirely unjustified reaction to the movie, but the book was much easier to get through.

The novel is out of sequence, moving between our severely burned "English" patient's memories from before his accident and current events at the bomb-damaged villa, where he is being cared for by Hana, a  Canadian Army nurse. The casting was so perfect for this film that I couldn't help but picture everybody as their hot 90s actor.

The four main characters were each so different and morally complex. It was fascinating examining how war had affected all of their lives in distinctive ways. And since this wasn't a mainstream movie, the story could go in weirder directions that its screen adaptation. Frankly, I'm pretty disgusted by one of the changes, but the List has mostly desensitized me to such things by now.

Like most romantic novels, its main love story is actually quite creepy, but it's still a moving and rich read, with the best character work we've seen lately. Also, I have a crush on Naveen Andrews, so that helps.

RATING: ****-

Interesting Facts:

Won the 1992 Booker Prize.

Adapted into film in 1996.

UP NEXT: Jazz by Toni Morrison

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