
Tuesday, July 30, 2024

920. All Souls Day

All Souls Day
Cees Nooteboom
Around 400 pages

Cees Nooteboom might have the best name on this List, but I haven't been too excited about his works yet. Rituals was pretty good, and then this just felt okay. Although okay on this List is still a good day.

This is the story of a Dutch documentary filmmaker who lives in Berlin. Whenever a translated novel doesn't feel authentic, based on the dialogue or character actions, I always have to wonder if it's just the translation. This is one of those instances where it feels like the author is not that interested in storytelling and just wants a vehicle for their philosophical discussions. Person A has this idea, Person B responds with this idea. 

Just sort of bland, but not the worst way to spend an afternoon.

RATING: ***--

Interesting Facts:

Nooteboom has been mentioned as a candidate for the Nobel Prize.

UP NEXT: Cloudsplitter by Russell Banks

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