
Wednesday, February 28, 2024

768. Love in the Time of Cholera

Love in the Time of Cholera
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Around 350 pages

Like many other talented authors we've encountered, he is bowing out of the List with a masterpiece. Here's my official Garcia Marquez ranking, and I'm severely bummed that we won't see him again:

1. Love in the Time of Cholera
2. One Hundred Years of Solitude
3. Autumn of the Patriarch
4. No One Writes to the Colonel

As you can see, this one manages to edge out One Hundred Years of Solitude with its power, and is easily one of the greatest romances of all time. Fermina and Florentino love each other, but Fermina's father disapproves, so he moves Fermina to another city. They still communicate, but Fermina eventually realizes they are practically strangers and moves on with somebody who has her family's blessing.

The story that Garcia Marquez tells is not that original, but the way he tells it makes it feel special. I loved these characters, even during their not so sympathetic moments. A beautiful story with a satisfying ending.

I'll miss you Gabriel!

RATING: *****

Interesting Facts:

On his own initiative, García Márquez persuaded singer Shakira, who is from the nearby city of Barranquilla, to provide two songs for the film adaptation.

Sales increased during the COVID-19 pandemic.

UP NEXT: The Drowned and The Saved by Primo Levi

1 comment:

Diana said...

A lovely book! I am, again, intrigues by the interesting facts. :)