
Thursday, April 11, 2024

809. The Trick is to Keep Breathing

The Trick is to Keep Breathing
Janice Galloway
Around 240 pages

I was 27 not that long ago (I swear), and yeah, it's a weird time. Actually waiting for an age that's not weird time. So this was more relatable to me than your typical postmodernism work.

Our protagonist is Joy Stone, whose anorexia is so severe that she no longer gets her period. She also has a drinking problem and loves to read women's magazines. Galloway unpacks how women are encouraged to be passive in their life, and the effect this can have on your general well being and mental health.

This story is presented in a rather unconventional way, which fits the narrative about a young woman unraveling. I didn't enjoy it as much as Lorrie Moore, for example, but still a nice story on female psychology, which isn't a subject that gets a lot of attention on this List.

RATING: ***--

Interesting Facts:

Shortlisted for both the Whitbread First Novel and Scottish First Book awards.

UP NEXT: The Temple of My Familiar by Alice Walker

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