
Thursday, June 22, 2023

521. Blue of Noon

Blue of Noon
Georges Bataille
Around 155 pages

Here's another erotic novel, which on this List, means it's going to be disgusting, rather than titillating. This one stands out from the pack by including necrophilia. 

Henri Troppmann is torn between three women before the Spanish Civil War. There's Lazare, a Marxist Jew and political activist. There's also "Dirty" Dorothea, who is our traditional alcoholic prostitute. Then there's Xenie, a young woman who nursed him back to health in Paris. 

So, like I said, this novel is doing its best to repulse the reader, and might I say, accomplished this feat with aplomb. Are we ever going to get a truly sexy novel on this List? I'm starting to be concerned as to the proclivities of the Powers That Be. 

Oh well, I'll keep obeying their Law, no matter how freaky it gets. Zero stars.

RATING: -----

Interesting Facts:

Published by Jean-Jacques Pauvert, who also published Sade's works and The Story of O. Is it just a coincidence his name sounds like pervert?

UP NEXT: The Midwich Cuckoos by John Wyndham

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