
Sunday, May 12, 2024

840. Hideous Kinky

Hideous Kinky
Esther Freud
Around 195 pages

I actually had the opportunity to get this novel at one of those free mobile libraries that brighten up certain street corners, but I was overcome with irrational guilt that somebody may need the book more than me. And then I ended up having to pay for the Kindle edition, since my library doesn't have an edition. So let this be a lesson for all of us to be greedier in the moment.

Julia travels to Marrakesh with her two young daughters as she is disenchanted by the dreary conventions of English life. Julia explores Sufism and the younger sister, Lucy, wants a father and matches their mother with a Moroccan acrobat.

Well, this sounds like the premise of a terrible live action Disney movie, but fortunately doesn't play out that way. It was more spiritual in its subject matter than I preferred, but I think somebody like D.H. Lawrence would be proud. And the sisters were charming, and I enjoyed their bond.

Not enough to shake us out of our slump, but moving in the right direction.

RATING: ***--

Interesting Facts:

Adapted into film in 1998.

UP NEXT: Black Dogs by Ian McEwan

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