
Monday, September 9, 2024

960. Life of Pi

Life of Pi
Yann Martel
Around 460 pages

I wouldn't say the movie version is better, but it is definitely equal to its source material, which is a tall order for Hollywood. Particularly with all the CGI required to tell this story, this could have easily been a Cats style nightmare.

I know we're talking about the book here, and not the movie but they really feel like complementary works. During The Emergency in 1976, Pi's father decides to sell the zoo he manages and emigrate with his family to Canada. On the way, the ship sinks in a storm. Pi escapes on a lifeboat, unfortunately some of the zoo animals do as well.

Based on the premise alone, this would be an exciting adventure story, but Martell layers the novel with nuanced reflections on the nature of truth and if we are truly alone in the universe. 

Obama wrote a letter directly to Martel, describing Life of Pi as "an elegant proof of God, and the power of storytelling." If your prose is so good it's taken as proof of a higher power by the president, what further validation do you need as a writer?

RATING: *****

Interesting Facts:

Sold more than 10 million copies worldwide.

Adapted to film in 2012.

UP NEXT: Choke by Chuck Palahniuk

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