
Sunday, July 7, 2024

897. Infinite Jest

Infinite Jest
David Foster Wallace
Around 1100 pages

Okay, I may have said this before, but I didn't really mean it until now. This is my least favorite entry on the List. Yes, I have hated other novels before, but the revolting earlier entries weren't this long, and the complicated and boring entries weren't this disturbing. It's like Gravity's Rainbow, meets American Psycho.

You can't really summarize a novel like this, or at least, I can't. There are many interweaving narratives, and he uses a lot of footnotes, and those footnotes have footnotes. I wish I could wash my brain and forget one horrific rape scene in this novel, but that one unfortunately is going to stay with me. 

Obviously, this guy was not well, so I don't want to read this book to filth, as upsetting as it was. It's hard for me to believe anybody sincerely enjoys this novel, but it's definitely something you either hate with a passion, or love enough to mention on any and all dating profiles you have.

Absolutely grueling.

RATING: -----

Interesting Facts:

Playwright Ken Campbell worked on an adaptation of Infinite Jest for the Millennium. His concept was to have 1,000 performers who each paid $23 to take part in the event, which would last a week. It did not come to fruition. Commence eye roll sequence!

UP NEXT: Forever a Stranger by Hella Haasse

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