
Sunday, July 28, 2024

918. Glamorama

Bret Easton Ellis
Around 550 pages

I come bearing good news for once! This is our last Bret Easton Ellis novel! Hopefully he stays down, although if any past List author were going to rise from the grave and chase us with an ax, it would be him.

So another novel where we follow a sociopathic leading man as he navigates a vapid world. This time the plot involves models turned terrorists, and if you are thinking that sounds like Zoolander...well, yeah, Ellis tried to take legal action against them and I guess they settled. 

Ellis was always obsessed with name-dropping and branding, and he does it to an absolutely absurd degree here. I get that it's intentionally obscene; it's satire. Just like Great Apes. So why aren't those novels ever fun? I imagine it's even more of a bore if you're not American.

If books had auras, all of his works would be a horrible chartreuse. 

RATING: *----

Interesting Facts:

Ellis said that the novel failed to break even for its US publisher, Knopf.

UP NEXT: Tipping the Velvet by Sarah Waters

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