
Thursday, November 2, 2023

652. Invisible Cities

Invisible Cities
Italo Calvino
Around 165 pages

So far the 1970s have been a real mixed bag, but I think we are entering a good streak here; we have this, Morrison, Murdoch, Greene all coming down the pike. Of course, Thomas Pynchon is around the corner as well, but I'm trying to stay in a happy place.

The novel is framed as a conversation between Marco Polo and Kublai Khan, who often had traveling merchants describe the state of his vast empire. Marco describe 55 fictitious cities, with brief interruptions of dialogue between Marco and the emperor. 

I would read a fantasy novel that takes place in every one of these cities. It really speaks to the creative well that Calvino has at his disposal that he was able to conjure up so many fantastical cities. If I came up with any of these settings, I would need my entire novel to take place there, as the brief histories he provided were so rich and fertile for development. But Calvino is only interested in presenting us with a compendium of sorts, that is made further complex by his strict thematic categorization, which I'm sure is the subject of many theses.

My favorite work from Calvino so far. Definitely a helpful read if you need some inspiration to write.

RATING: *****

Interesting Facts:

Adapted into an opera in 2013.

UP NEXT: Sula by Toni Morrison

1 comment:

Diana said...

This sounds interesting and I am very intrigued by the 50 cities. Just requested from the library! Thanks for the review