
Sunday, November 12, 2023

662. Breakfast of Champions

Breakfast of Champions
Kurt Vonnegut
Around 305 pages

Kurt Vonnegut gave this novel a "C," which just goes to show that we are always our harshest critics. 
This might actually be my favorite Vonnegut novel, but of course they are all bangers so it's difficult to choose.

Vonnegut is able to tell complicated stories well because of his simple and comedic style, so it's always easy to follow. Basically, the novel focuses on two characters: Dwayne Hoover, an Ohio car dealer and respected figure in the community who is going mad, and our homeboy Kilgore Trout, our favorite obscure sci fi writer, who is already a little mad.

There are many comedic novels I enjoy, but it's rare to find an author who can actually make you laugh out loud (for a full list of writers who are capable of doing that, please read my memoirs). Vonnegut's style has always appealed to me. He is philosophical as well as witty, and it's fun just watching his characters collide and bounce off each other.

Sadly, this is the last Vonnegut on the List. So here comes the ranking (even though they are all top tier).

1. Slaughterhouse Five
2. Breakfast of Champions
3. Cat's Cradle
4. God Bless You Mr. Rosewater

Damn, Vonnegut, don't leave me alone with these people.

RATING: *****

Interesting Facts:

Spent 56 weeks on the New York Times Best Seller List.

Adapted into a film in 1999 with Bruce Willis, which was largely panned by critics.

UP NEXT: Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy by John Le Carre


Diana said...

I will read this. Unless I open the book and remember I read it years ago! 😂

Jim Brown NY said...

Diana - I don't think you would forget this! Best wishes - Jim

Diana said...

ahhhh....Jim. Age + #of books read in lifetime = Forgetfulness 😅

Jim Brown NY said...

Paradoxically ... having a bad memory can boost your bank account ... by deferring the need to buy new books and extend one's bookshelves! Just reread and reread ... which is not dissimilar to my TV viewing habits such as watching all 75 episodes of the Americans once every two or three years! Have fun

Diana said...

Excellent points! hahahaha and I do love the re-read!