
Friday, August 2, 2024

923. Intimacy

Hanif Kureishi
Around 250 pages

Here's something revolutionary: a middle-aged man wants to leave his wife and children for a younger woman. But hey, they are cliches for a reason and if you want to write a novel that rings true, characters are going to behave in predictable ways.

The story takes place over the course in one day. Our main character Jay has had affairs before but this is the first time he is contemplating leaving his unhappy relationship for a mistress. Kureishi himself left his family, so I guess he wanting more representation for cheating husbands in fiction.

So obviously the conception of this novel has very self-indulgent roots, and just felt like an unnecessary addition to the List. I guess his family hated it too, and I don't blame them.

RATING: **---

Interesting Facts:

Adapted to film in 2001.

UP NEXT: Elementary Particles by Michel Houellebecq

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