
Monday, August 12, 2024

933. Fear and Trembling

Fear and Trembling
Amelie Nothomb
Around 175 pages

Fear and Trembling refers to the Japanese protocol that you should demonstrate your reverence in the presence of the Emperor with fear and trembling. Yeah, it's not a novel that will make you want to move to Japan.

Amelie is a young Belgian woman who signs a one-year contract at a Japanese company. Her Japanese is so perfect that she is forbidden from knowing the language, because her expertise shames the men at the company. Amelie's behavior highlights the differences in culture. For example, after the assault of a female coworker, Amelie tries to comfort her in the bathroom, but her coworker thinks she is trying to shame her by witnessing her tears. 

Re: the above assault. I hated it, but I understand the intent in satirizing the absolute bat shit crazy office culture. Still, it was disgusting, and she could have made her point without it. Nothomb clearly has a good sense of humor, and it's a quick read. 

We've only had a couple Belgian novels on the List before, so it's nice to boost that stat as well.

RATING: ***--

Interesting Facts:

Adapted to film in 2003.

UP NEXT: Everything You Need by A.L. Kennedy

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