
Monday, August 26, 2024

947. City of God

City of God
E.L. Doctorow
Around 275 pages

I thought we left Doctorow behind in the 1980s, but here he is showing up again, making it awkward. Well, I never really enjoyed his name dropping prose, and this novel was no different.

There's actually not much of a plot here as it is stream of consciousness, but the main thread involves the theft of a cross from a church in Manhattan. I did enjoy Doctorow's thoughts on religion, but found the style and structure really grating.

Doctorow's fans will probably appreciate the patchwork of historical events and perspectives, but it's too scattered for my tastes. 

RATING: **---

Interesting Facts:

At the time of his death, Barack Obama called him "one of America's greatest novelists."

UP NEXT: White Teeth by Zadie Smith

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