
Wednesday, August 28, 2024

949. Under the Skin

Under the Skin
Michel Faber
Around 305 pages

I went to this novel completely blind about the plot, and not even knowing what genre this was. And what a ride it turned out to be. In fact, I don't even want to summarize it, because it was really cool watching the story unfold with no background knowledge about the direction it was headed.

Michel Faber is a master at building up to the big reveals, and teasing the reader with just enough details that you think you know what is going on, only for the rug to be pulled out from under you in the next scene. How did people ever think hitchhiking was a good idea?

I have very specific mental images of these characters, and I really don't want to see some of the events of this novel on screen, so I'm not really up for watching the movie version. One of the weirdest, most entertaining novels I've ever read.

RATING: *****

Interesting Facts:

Adapted to film in 2013.

UP NEXT: The Heart of Redness by Zakes Mda

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