
Sunday, August 25, 2024

946. How the Dead Live

How the Dead Live
Will Self
Around 420 pages

I expected to hate this after Self's previous entry Great Apes, but I was surprisingly into this, at least at the beginning. Will Self wasn't quite convincing as a female narrator. I don't know how many old ladies would refer to their vaginas as "ancient vacuums" although maybe I'm hanging out with the wrong old ladies. 

Lily Bloom is dying of cancer and I don't think it's much of a spoiler to say she does die, but experiences an afterlife. She's accompanied by her spiritual Aboriginal spirit guide and her children who have passed.

Being stuck in the head of somebody so bitter and miserable was not a fun experience, although Self infused it with his own unique brand of humor, which is grotesque, pessimistic, and at times disgusting. The characters' relationships with each other just depress me. On the other hand, I did appreciate some of the philosophical observations Lily made on her way out.

Not a necessary read by any means, but it did keep my attention.

RATING: **---

Interesting Facts:

Self grew up reading Herbert, Dick, and Ballard.

UP NEXT: City of God by E.L. Doctorow

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As one who is advancing in years, and feel I can speak for many women, NO on the ancient vacuums. That's not a thing. I don't know men feel they can write a woman's point of view. Rarely successful.